Thanks for your interest in my services, I can’t wait to get started. Please fill out the form below to book a free consultation session with me.
Thanks for your interest in my services, I can’t wait to get started. Please fill out the form below to book a free consultation session with me.
Growing up in Mongolia, we were taught that success equalled academic intelligence and career advancement. I didn’t know it at the time but I had deeply internalized these cultural and societal expectations and was living a never ending cycle of achieving that left me feeling insecure and stressed out. No matter how many certifications earned or career success I achieved, I never felt good enough.
It wasn’t until I moved to Canada that I realized it was time to find a new way of being. This transition brought up so many challenges including an identity crisis, overwhelming negative emotions and self-doubt. Through the gifts of these challenges, I started to find a new way of being.
As I began to shift my focus from external achievements to internal fulfillment, I started to feel more confident in myself and become more intentional in how I lived my life. Through discovering my authentic power and true essence, I found a clarity, purpose and meaning to my life that I never thought possible.
As a trauma-trained coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation, trained to practice Somatic Experiencing, Somatic EMDR, and RTT modalities, I help you reclaim your authentic power and become confident, abundant and empowered.
"It is one thing to process memories of trauma, but it is an entirely different matter to confront the inner void"
- Arielle Schwartz
Authentic power is the alignment of personality with the soul. To put it simply, I call it the head and heart connection. By working with both mind and body, I am able to help you create life changing transformations that allow you to discover your truest self.
If you find yourself feeling stuck, not good enough or unable to take your life to the next level, I am here to help. Through Somatic Experiencing, Trauma-informed coaching, Somatic EMDR, Mental fitness programs, and Hypnosis, I can help you discover the clarity and purpose you’re looking for.
Let’s reclaim your authentic power,
Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, The Marisa Peer School (2021-2022)
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner 2025
Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coaching Federation
Somatic EMDR, The Embody Lab (2024)
Certified Resilience Trainer, Positive Psychology
Advanced Mental Fitness Coach, Positive Intelligence
Treating trauma certification with Janine Fisher, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Ariel Shwartz
Studies Quantum Physics and Natural Medicine, DNM, PhD, AMP, HHP at the Quantum University
Working with the Pain of Abandonment, NICABM
Advanced Master Program on Treatment of Trauma, NICABM
Continuous development with Marisa Peer Therapy School
Inner MBA, The University of New York & SoundsTrue
The Conscious Business Coaching program
The Happiness Science program
Positive Psychology course, University of Pennsylvania
Positive Intelligence program
Women’s Leadership program, Zorig Foundation
The University of Western Australia, Master of Human Resources Management & Employee Relations